Sunday, January 18, 2009

A is for Apron

I finished an apron today that I started a few days ago, but that I've had the fabric for since before Christmas! I had ordered the book A is for Apron from, but the first sale fell through, so I had to wait over a month to get my refund and re-order from a different seller. Finally, it came about 2 weeks ago and I took it into Kinko's to get the patterns enlarged. There are so many cute aprons in the book, too bad you only have to wear one apron at a time! 

I learned a new technique for this project... continuous bias binding tape! I needed 6.5 yards of it, and the lady at the quilt store told me a fat quarter would be enough, but I was skeptical. This tutorial helped me through the process, and it was about 3 yards too much! Once I had the bias tape all cut, I used one of these little Clover gizmos to shape and iron. Tom thinks it's one of the coolest crafting tools I have. 

Now I have this cute retro looking apron, made with some cute "chair of bowlies" Mary Engelbreit fabric, and I can toss the 2 worn and scratchy pre-printed aprons that I made in junior high... yes I'm even getting rid of the watermelon apron that I wore at our wedding over my dress so I could have lunch! I think it is quite fitting that this apron is called "The Lorelai," especially since I watched a few episodes of Gilmore Girls while working on it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is super cute, stacy! Good job!